
Showing posts from March, 2016


We know that jakarta is the capital of and the largest city in our beloved country,but why is truly a signature of city? ONDEL-ONDEL Ever seen 2.5m tall puppets made of woven bamboo in colorful Betawi costumes dancing to folk music? Those are the Ondel-ondel!The pupppet master is hidden underneath the puppet's coustume. BETAWI Unique Betawi culture was formed by the descendants of the people living in and around Batavia. The better-known aspects of Betawi culture are their language and arts, the latter of which include Gambang Kromong(a mixture of Betawi and Chinese music),tanjidor(a Mixture of Betawi and Portuguese music), and Marawis (a mixture of Betawi and Yemeni music). THOUSAND ISLANDS No, this is not the name of a salad dressing.we're referring to one of the municipalities in jakarta that consists of 105 small islands located in the Java Sea. You can take a speed boat or a small ferry and enjoy marine thrills such as snorkelling and beach-hopping. TRANSJAKARTA...


Latar Belakang Pada dasarnya manusia dan tanggung jawab itu selalu berdampingan. Tanggung Jawab mempunai artian suatu kesadaran manusia akan bertingkah laku atas perbuatannya baik disengaja maupun tidak disengaja. Tanggung Jawab juga mempunyai artian lain yaitt sebagai wujudan atas perbuatannya. Setiap manusia memiliki tanggung jawab masing-masing. Diantaranya tanggung jawab seorang pelajar atau mahasiswa akan belajar, tanggung jawab seorang dosen kepada mahasiswa atau mahasiswinya, tanggung jawab seorang presiden kepada negara dan rakyatnya, tanggung jawab seorang ayah kepada istri dan anak-anaknya, dan tanggung jawab manusia kepada Tuhan yang telah Menciptakan kita. Selain tanggung jawab, dalam diri manusia juga terdapat pengabdian. Pengabdian dapat diartikan sebagai pilihan hidup seseorang apakah ingin mengabdi kepada orangtua, kepada agama dan Tuhan ataupun kepada bangsa dan negara dimana pengabdian akan mengandung unsur pengorbanan dan kewajiban untuk melakukannya yang bias...


       Although Tanggerang is very near too jakarta, Unfortunately, not many Jakartans are interested in visiting and knowing more about this city. Actually, Tanggerang has many interesting places to visit.Check the out! WHERE TO GO? BOEN TEK BIO      Located in the Pasar Lama area, this more than three century old Chinese temple is the oldest temple in Tanggerang.Some source say that this built in 1684. Visit it at Chinese New Year or 15 days after the New Year(Cap Go Meh day)and you will see a lot of interesting activities there. MASJID PINTU SERIBU      Majid Agung Nurul Yaqin or Masjid Pintu Seribu has a really unique architectural style.Built in 1977, this mosque has a lot of doors. That's how it got its nickname. Inside the mosque there are many rooms for praying. THere's also a special room for those who would like to spend a night praying. BENDUNGAN PINTU AIR SEPULUH    ...